The Oasis - March 22, 2023

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
March 22, 2023

             As we near the end of Lent this year, I invite you to make a point to join us for our special worship services during Holy Week. Holy Week services are a way to enter into the events that led to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Palm Sunday is at 10am on 4/2. At the Maundy Thursday Service, we commemorate the intimate meal Jesus shared with his disciples and the institution of communion. That will be in Fellowship Hall on Thursday at 7pm. At the Good Friday service, at 7pm on Friday, we remember the death of Jesus. Of course, join us for Easter at the Nubble for the Sunrise Service and at our usual 10am service.
            However, before Holy Week we hope you will join us for the book discussions. Many of you have told me you have not finished the book. That’s ok. I have a short study guide that will inform our conversation. Just come to Fellowship Hall for one or both of the conversations.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, 
and the Teachings of Plants
By Robin Wall Kimmerer

Sunday, March 26, 2023               8:30am-9:30am            Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, March 29, 2023        7:00pm-8:30pm           Fellowship Hall

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