Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class is an opportunity for maturing young people to Learn More about church, faith, theology, and life, to engage in exploring Christian perspectives and what lives of faith can and may look like, and to bring questions and concerns forward as they each workshop their own individual perspective on God, the Universe, and Everything. Well, maybe not EVERYTHING.

Confirmation Class is a learning and growing experience (and a fun and interactive one! Class is such a dull word.), and at the close of the class, youth will be afforded the opportunity to decide for themselves whether they are ready and willing to affirm their baptism into the faith and family of Jesus Christ, and invite God into their lives in a meaningful and informed way. It's not a graduation-more of a beginning, as they will become members of the church (both Members of First Parish and members of the wider community of Christ), and will be able to decide what role the life of the church and the presence of the holy has in their lives, and what role they might have in the life and work of First Parish.

Most of our Confirmands end up being 8th Graders, but we will entertain the possibility of interested 6th and 7th graders who have demonstrated a level of spiritual maturity. Youth of high school age who haven't yet been Confirmed are of course welcome to join.  And don't worry if you haven't been baptized! Our church performs baptisms for adults, youth, and infants alike.

Pastor Dan


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