The Oasis - September 14, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
September 14, 2022

     In last week’s Oasis, I wrote about a retired pastor who was inspired to write a reflection based on the message on our church sign: “You may be the hope.” I’ve been reflecting further on church signs, so let’s consider this week’s reflection Part II. It might seem like an easy task to come up with a short message and get it up on the sign. I can assure you it’s not as easy as it might appear. I’m very grateful for the help of our sign team!
     I consider it a big responsibility. It’s a message we put out to the community twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I’d actually be interested to know how many people read it on a daily or weekly basis. I’ll bet the number would be surprising. To come up with something brilliant every couple of weeks when you’re limited to 3 lines and 18 characters across each line, including spaces, requires some thought.
                                             It's always easy to come up with cute messages, such as:
                                                                                             CH  CH
                                                                                   WHAT’S MISSING?

                                There are signs that should have been vetted more carefully, such as:
                                                                                     DO YOU KNOW
                                                                                      WHAT HELL IS?
                                                                         COME HEAR OUR PREACHER

     I’m wondering if you would share with me what you would put on a church sign. If you were to put a message out there for the public to see, limited to 3 lines and 18 characters across each line, including spaces, what would it be? What message has God placed on your heart? What message does the world need to see it drives up and down York Street? Send me an email. Let me know what you think.



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