The Oasis - July 13, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
July 13, 2022

Oasis 7.13.22

This past Sunday, Rev. Pat Smith was the first to share her story in our summer “Storytellers” series taking place during coffee hour each Sunday in July and August. I counted roughly 40 people gathered around to hear her share a bit of her life. It made me think of the power of story. I am a believer that if the church did not exist, we might not know the stories of Jesus being born in a stable in Bethlehem, or walking on water, or turning water into wine. It’s story that helps us to connect to the divine. The church has been the vessel to carry and to retell these stories generation after generation.

I believe story is also a powerful instrument for change. I’ve learned so much about life and about the world by listening to people share their story. They provided me a perspective I would not have had. They gave me insight. Listening to the experiences of others has caused me to change my mind about certain things. 

I hope you will make an attempt to join us each Sunday for coffee hour and to hear the storytellers. It’s a great opportunity to get to know one another and to build community at first Parish Church. By hearing the stories of others, it might even give us insight into where God has been present in our own stories.


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