The Oasis - December 21, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
December 21, 2022

Wherever you are in your faith journey, I hope you will come to worship on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day. If 2022 has been a disaster for you or if all is well with your soul, if you are sad or if you can’t contain your joy, if your faith is strong or if you’re feeling ambivalent, come and worship. Let the words and the music of Christmas feed you. In her book Holy Disruption: Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark, Tracy Daub writes, “The incarnation we celebrate at Christmas is the gift of hope given to you and me. It is hope grounded not in ourselves or our own goodness or our own potential, but rather in God’s goodness and God’s potential for us. Through God’s transforming love, we can be people who offer kindness, and share our bread, and help refugees, and compose symphonies, and cure diseases, and offer forgiveness, and tear down walls between people. This is the gift of hope given to us in our darkness, given to our world in its darkness.”

Merry Christmas!


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