The Oasis - April 5, 2023

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
April 05, 2023

                In her book Kneeling in Jerusalem, Ann Weems writes, “When the people of God gather for worship, the whole earth trembles and the angels sing.” I think about that. I know only roughly 10% of the population attends a house of worship with any regularity. I know worship is not always exciting. I know we sometimes say our memorized prayers and responses without giving much thought to the words. But there is something special about people gathering for worship, even when we are tired, worn out, and not fully present. Jesus said, “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there.” 
                In the next four days, we have four worship services (if you count the Easter Sunrise Service) at First Parish. I think of them as one event taking place in four parts. I hope you will make a point to join us for Holy Week services this year. Together, let’s make the earth tremble and the angels sing.

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