The Oasis - November 4, 2020

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
November 04, 2020

November 4, 2020
Rev. Eric Dupee

      Today, I’ve spoken with a number of people who claim to be tired after staying up too late watching the election results. It seems we are all anxiously awaiting a result. Recently, I came across a quote from Sister Joan Chittister that was included in a daily devotional by the author Richard Rohr. It occurred to me that, no matter which candidate any of us support, these words might be instructive and even comforting. 
     She wrote, “To be one, we don’t need one party, one program, one set of policies. What could be duller, more stagnant, more destructive of the soulfulness it takes to create and preserve the best of the human enterprise than such a narrow-minded view of planetary life?  What we need is one heart for the world at large, a single-minded commitment to this more perfect union, and one national soul, large enough to listen to one another for the sake of the planet—for the sake of us all.” I find this a nice reminder that, on a deep level, we are all in this together.
     I also wanted to make sure you are aware of the worship schedule going forward. The deacons, along with the pastors, have decided to make November 8th the last outdoor service. After that date, our worship will be 100% virtual until such time as the Church Council decides we are ready and the conditions are right for worshipping indoors. The Council is already preparing for indoor worship using the Reopening Task Force guidelines for safe worship. With the recent increase in Coronavirus cases, we are holding off on announcing a start date for worshipping indoors, but we are continuing to prepare so we will be ready when the time comes.
     Lastly, I spent some time this morning out in front of the church as the food came in for our one-hour food drive. Between the food collected and the money donated, it was a great success. Thank you to our mission team, First Parish Church members, and the community for your loving hearts and your generosity.



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