The Oasis - October 5, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
October 05, 2022

     The hurricane season started slowly this year, but the damage caused by recent storms has been devastating. I wanted to make you aware of ways to respond with assistance if you are so inclined. The following link will take you to the “Hurricanes 2022 Emergency Appeal” on the United Church of Christ website  That web page provides a way to donate online.
     The following is a little information from that appeal: “Emergency response personnel are active. Relief agencies are meeting immediate needs where they can gain access to communities hard hit by the storm. United Church of Christ partners through National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster who focus on relief are implementing their plans. Global Ministries Area Executive for Latin America Angel Luis Rivera is in touch with bilateral partners. Conference leaders and Conference Disaster Coordinators are making contact, assessing needs, and communicating with the Global H.O.P.E. team so that help can be channeled, now and for the long term.  Your generous financial support will be used by our partners in the areas of greatest need, for relief and long-term recovery. If you prefer, you may mail a check payable to the United Church of Christ, PO BOX 71957 Cleveland, OH 44194. Please be sure to note “Hurricanes 2022 Fund” in the memo section. Thank you for your support.”
     Meanwhile, out in front of the Parish House this morning, there was a First Parish crew collecting food for the YCSA food pantry here in York. Between the food collection and the pumpkin sales in support of the Navajo, we had a busy campus this morning. The next open slots for pumpkin sales are 10/9 and 10/11. Just go to the First Parish Website to sign up. And thank you for all you do to support the ministry here at First Parish Church!



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