The Oasis - October 7, 2020

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
October 07, 2020

Rev. Eric Dupee

             In my first contribution to the Oasis I want to thank this community of faith for the welcome and hospitality I’ve received. I’m so thrilled to be with you.  This is a special time to be in York. The foliage is spectacular. The roads and beaches are not quite as crowded as they were in July. I love it!
At the same time, this is a difficult moment to make a pastoral transition. We can’t celebrate the way we normally would. We can’t worship in the manner to which we are accustomed. There’s a chance I’ve had a wonderful conversation with you, but on account of our masks, I don’t even know what you look like.
            Even though it is challenging to get to know people and learn about a community during a pandemic, I trust we will find our way.  I’m reminded of the little quip “God can make a way out of no way.” When Abraham and Sarah were very old, they were told they would have a child. They thought, “No way!” Eventually, she gave birth to Isaac. When Moses and his people came to the Red Sea, they had no way to get across. Moses raised his staff and the sea parted. When Jesus’ lifeless body was sealed in tomb, it appeared there was no way his story would continue. God made a way out of no way.
            It will be a challenge to get to know all of you, but I believe there is a way. In worship on Sunday, I introduced my “Lawn Chair Ministry.” I have a lawn chair I can bring to your house and set up in your yard so we can distance and have a chat. We never have to come in contact and I don’t have to touch any of your stuff. If you would welcome a visit, I encourage you to email me at or call. I look forward to getting to no each you. In the mean time, remember we serve a God who can make a way out of no way.




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