The Oasis - November 24, 2021
Author: Rev. Eric Dupee November 24, 2021
November 24, 2021
As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope you are able to identify much in your life for which to give God thanks. If you’re looking for words to say before a meal, wherever you may be, perhaps something as simple as this will suffice: “Give us grateful hearts, O God, for all your gifts, and make us mindful of the needs of others. Amen.”
Not to rush past Thanksgiving, but this Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. We will have the lighting of the Advent wreath. Please make note of the class Pastor Dan will lead, comparing and contrasting the birth narratives in Matthew’s Gospel and Luke’s Gospel. Please make a note to read your December newsletter for more information on our Advent offerings.
Lastly, “Gratitude Sunday” was a joyous and festive worship service. If you were not able to be in worship and have not filled out a pledge card indicating your estimate of giving to the church in 2022 or if you have not filled out the “Time and Talent” form, we invite you to turn them in to the office or bring them with you this Sunday.