The Oasis - March 16, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
March 16, 2022

Holy Week at First Parish
During Holy Week, our worship experiences are designed to lead us through the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus. By attending these services, we not only hear the story, we enter into it. The story becomes part of us in a deeper and more meaningful way. As we go from Palm Sunday, to the Lord’s Supper, to crucifixion, and resurrection, the ancient story of death and resurrection becomes our story. We hope you will join us for our Holy Week services:

April 10, 2022   Palm Sunday – At 9:30am worship, receive a palm branch and join the crowds     shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”
April 14, 2022   Maundy Thursday – At 7:00pm we will gather in Fellowship Hall and celebrate Holy Communion as Jesus did with his disciples on the night before his death.
April 15, 2022   Good Friday – At 7:00pm, in the sanctuary, join us for a Service of Tenebrae (darkness) in which we mark the death of Jesus.
April 17, 2022   Easter Sunrise Service – At 5:45am we will gather with Union Congregational Church at the Nubble Lighthouse to meet the sunrise and praise God. 
                        Easter Service at 9:30am in the sanctuary
                        Children’s Easter Egg Hunt following the 9:30am service (roughly 10:30am)
                        Easter service 11:00am in the sanctuary

Lenten Prayer Walk: April 2, 2022 @9:00am
During Lent, I like to bring some kind of focus to prayer. This year I will lead and teach a form of prayer involving movement or walking. It is not complicated and the walking will not be strenuous. We will meet at the entrance to the First Parish Cemetery behind the church and Town Hall, not the main entrance on York St. I will provide instructions. We will walk as a group for a time, and I will invite you to walk on your own, at your own pace. My hope is that once you learn this prayer form, you will be able to use it, whenever you choose, as you walk the many beautiful trails and beaches in our region. This will happen rain or shine. Please contact me with any questions. -Pastor Eric


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