The Oasis - September 7, 2022

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
September 07, 2022

The Oasis
            Rally Sunday and the kickoff to the new church program year is this week 9/11/22. Keep in mind two things. First, the worship service will begin at our new time: 10:00am. Secondly, this is the second Sunday of the month, so there will be a hymn sing beginning at 9:45am. Come a little early and request your favorite hymn. There will be fun things for children in worship and after, including ice cream!
            This week I received a message from our own Rev. Pat Smith. She wrote, “In case anyone doesn’t think our signboard is important…This is written by a friend of mine who is retired clergy.” Pat attached a reflection written by the Rev. Diane Harvey. She wrote: On my way to the grocery store I pass three churches, two with sign boards that have changing quotes. Some of the quotes make me smile: “Our church is prayer-conditioned.” Some are puzzling: “the last mile is always lonely.” And a few quotes stick with me for continued reflection like the one presently displayed at First Parish, York: “You may be the hope.
             Rev. Harvey continued: I love the possibility of these words! You and I may be what brightens the outlook, changes the attitude, or turns around the day, the life of another. You and I may be the hope through a smile, our words, our actions, even by choosing not to act, not to react. You and I may be the hope for others as we move through our days embodying kindness, courage and compassion. I love the mystery of these words. You and I don’t have to know how or why or when we might be the hope for another; we simply can rest in the awareness God always is working in us and through us, greater than our imagination.
              I appreciate Rev. Harvey’s words. I believe God always is working in us and through us. That’s why our presence whenever the church gathers is important. That’s why encouraging words and acts of love are never wasted. I hope you are enjoying this spectacular day and remember: “You may be the hope.”


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