The Oasis - February 17, 2021

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
February 17, 2021

Rev. Eric Dupee

     Today, between 7:30-8:30am, Sue Wierzba and I greeted a number of people in front of the church and offered ashes-to-go. It was early. The temperature was a bit brisk. As I stood in the stiff breeze and waited for folk to drive up, I had to remind myself why it is we go through this ashes-on-the-forehead exercise each year.  
     According to Genesis 2:1-9, God created the first human by taking the dust of the earth and breathing life into it. That means each of us is glorified dirt. You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monique, but it’s still a hog.” The same applies to humans. We can wear designer clothes, live in fancy homes, and hold really important jobs, but we are still dirt. That is the reminder when we receive the ashes. “Remember, you are dust and to dust you shall return.”
     For me, remembering we are dust is an opportunity to see ourselves as God sees us. I’m guessing God is not impressed with how many friends we have on Facebook or how successful we are in business. I think God wants us to remember from where we came and to remember that none of us are any better or any worse, than others.
     With that in mind, I offer another reminder of the book I’m reading and inviting you to read as well. Perhaps it could be part of your Lent observance. The book is White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson. It is the National Book Critics Award winner. 
     Did you know York Board of Selectmen adopted a “Proclamation Against Racism, Discrimination, and Bigotry?” The proclamation reads, “The town commits to identify and eliminate anything within its control that supports or perpetuates systemic or institutional racism or discrimination.” Reading White Rage might be a way we can begin to join the town in this important work. I will set up a Zoom meeting on March 18th at 7pm for those who would like to join me to discuss the book. So, get your book soon and I hope you will join the discussion.
     Lastly, don’t forget to join us for the church’s Zoom Annual Meeting on February 28th. See the announcement in this Oasis. I hope to see you there.  


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