The Oasis February 14, 2024

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
February 14, 2024

           Today is Ash Wednesday. We will not have a worship service tonight, as we have in the past, but the sanctuary will be open from 5 PM -- 6:30 PM for prayer and reflection. I will have some Lent related materials to use for reflection. I will also be there during that time to administer ashes for anyone who would like to come by. Just come on into the entryway and I will see you there.
            I’m excited about the Fasting and Feasting theme we will be working with during Lent. You’ve probably heard me say how I value rhythm in the spiritual life. One of the things I love about church life is the Sabbath rhythm. We were intended to live by a rhythm of work and rest. The first day of the week is the Lord’s Day. It’s a day dedicated to God and to rest and renewal. Every Sunday is a little Easter. Therefore, Sundays are not included in the season of Lent. The other six days during Lent may be given over to fasting or giving up something, but Sunday is a day for feasting and delighting in God’s creation.
            I’ve been reading in the book we will be using during Lent: Eat Fast Feast: Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul. The books have come in if you would like to receive one and start reading. I hope you will consider joining us on Sundays in Lent, starting on February 25, for dinner and for discussion about fasting. I know fasting is a popular strategy for weight loss, but that’s not what this is about. We will talk about fasting is an outward expression of an inward spiritual commitment. We will talk about fasting as a way to draw closer to God. We’ll talk about the spiritual reality that less is more.
            We will also talk about the value of feasting. The author quotes a character from the book The Hobbit who says, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” Jesus actually got into trouble for feasting and feasting with the wrong people. 
            There is a lot happening at the church in the coming weeks. I hope you will take a few moments to look through this issue of the Oasis. If you stop by to receive ashes, I will see you later today. Whether or not you receive ashes, remember “You are dust and to dust you shall return.”


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