The Oasis - November 18, 2020
Author: Rev. Eric Dupee November 18, 2020
Rev. Eric Dupee
Have you ever felt pressured to have it all together? Have you ever felt compelled to hide your struggles or pretend you were merry when you really felt stressed and exhausted? If so, I want to invite you to join me in reading an Advent devotional this year.
Believe it or not, the season of Advent begins in eleven days. The word advent refers to an arrival. The four-week season prior to Christmas is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the arrival Jesus.
I like to deepen my experience of Advent by taking on a spiritual discipline. This year, I’m going to read a daily devotional titled Low: An Honest Advent Devotional by John Pavlovitz. I plan to take just a couple minutes each morning to read and reflect on his brief devotionals.
I’m attracted to this little book, because the author writes from the standpoint that God comes to meet us in the low places of our lives. We can be honest about our joy and our grieving, our belief and our doubt, the good tidings of Christmas and the bad days we all experience. In the introduction, he writes:
When Jesus offers the prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in
heaven,” he reminds us that as we walk the road of Advent the invitation is not to escape
this place to an elevated heavenly sanctuary somewhere; it is to bring heaven down.
Immanuel means “God with us.” In other words, it is Jesus getting low. This is really
good news for us here on the ground.
If you’d like to join me in reading this daily devotional, you can order it or I’ve placed dozens of copies in the drop box outside the door leading to the church offices. Stop by when it’s convenient and take one. You’ll find them in a cardboard box inside the drop box.
I will also host a Zoom discussion time each Sunday in Advent beginning at 10:00am. This will be a time to connect, to see one another’s faces, and to discuss the devotionals from the book. If you are interested in joining the discussion please contact Betty in the office or me and I will send you the Zoom link and invitation. You can watch the virtual worship service and then join the Zoom gathering on 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, and 12/20 @ 10:00am. I think this is a great year for an honest advent!