The Oasis - October 21, 2020

Author: Rev. Eric Dupee
October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020
Rev. Eric Dupee

All Saints Sunday 

During the course of the pandemic, I’ve sensed an enormous amount of grief and loss. My prayers are with those whose loved ones have died, but also with those who grieve the loss of family gatherings, the loss of seeing peers at school, and the loss of the church activities we love so much. This is the time to claim the Jewish and Christian tradition of lament. The psalms are full of lament, cries to God asking, “Why, God? How long, O Lord?”

The first Sunday of November is a day of remembrance for the saints, among whom we include all Christian people of every time and place. Many churches have a tradition of remembering those who have died in the previous year, both of the church universal and in the local congregation. Those who have died are remembered and their lives are celebrated. This year we will have a special All Saints remembrance ritual in our virtual worship service. We will read the names of our church members who have died in the past year. I’m also inviting you to submit names of people you would like us to name on All Saints Sunday, November 1st. These are people you knew and loved who have died since early November of last year. We need to have those names by Tuesday October 27th in order to include them.

Meanwhile, I am still doing my Lawn Chair Ministry. If you would like me to come by and distance with you for a time, please be in touch!


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